3. ACP operation by using the LG ACCS
Entering the administrator information
Time synchronization button
[Time synchronization] button aligns (synchronizes) the time of the
user's PC with the system time of ACP. The schedule function of ACP
must be executed at accurate time according user setting. If you are
operating ACP for the first time or when the time set for ACP is not
accurate during use, click on the [Time synchronization] button to
synchronize the time between the user PC and ACP.
The administrator information can be
entered at 'System setup' menu. The
administrator information is the right to log
in to the LG ACCS.
When you click [Administrator information]
at the right side of the screen, the IP/PW
input window is displayed.
Enter the ID for the user to access at the
'ID' field and set the user's password at the
'PW' field, and then click [Save] button to
save the setting information of the ID and
the password.
Click [Cancel] button to cancel without
saving the setting value.
The [A/S] button is not used at present. It
will be updated later.