3. ACP operation by using the LG ACCS
Exception handling list
Date selection window
In order to delete the existing setting, after specifying the related data at the calendar, when the
exceptional schedule title to delete is displayed at 'Title input' field, click [Delete] button. And then,
when you click [Save] button, the related schedule is deleted from the system.
When you specify the exception handling title at the Date selection window and click [Find] button, the
related exception handling schedule is displayed at the exception handling schedule display screen at
the right of the screen.
The exception handling list displays the
currently set exception handling schedule.
You can enter the date to set the exception
handling schedule and the title, and add a new
one or delete/find the existing exception handling
In order to set the exception handling schedule,
button at the Select date window to
select the year and the month.
When you enter the title for the exception handling
schedule into 'Title input' field and click [Add]
button, the exception handling date is displayed on
the screen. And then, when you click [Save]
button, the related setting is applied to the system.