Exception handling schedule button
Exception handling schedule & Exit the exception handling button
3. ACP operation by using the LG ACCS
It is the function excluding the specified date
from the set weekly operation schedule. The
other schedule can be set to the excluded date
suitable to the related date.
When you click [Exception handling schedule]
button, the exception handling schedule
screen is displayed as shown at the left. At this
time, [Exception handling schedule] button is
changed to [Exit the exception handling]
In order to exit from the exception handling
schedule screen to the previous screen, press
[Exit the exception handling] button.
When you click [Exception handling schedule] button, the
exception handling schedule screen to set the exception handling
schedule is displayed. At this time, [Exception handling schedule]
button is changed to [Exit the exception handling] button.
When you click [Exit the exception handling] button, it exits the
current exception handling schedule screen and returns to the
schedule setup screen. At this time, [Exit the exception handling]
button to [Exception handling schedule] button.
Installation/Owner's Manual