Turn on the LED Wall
The electrical setup of the LED Wall and the video input setup depends on individual customer
requirements. Below, you can find the most common setups. Before following the instructions, please
ensure that your system fits one of the described setups.
How to turn on the LED Wall, depends on the electrical setup for the LED Wall.
1) The LED Wall is directly connected to mains
The LED Wall is always powered on and turns black if not needed (no
video input).
Ensure the video controller and the control PC is turned on.
Start the video input on the PC with the video material.
Result: The LED Wall displays the video material.
2) The LED Wall is has to be plugged in to mains (only for smaller LED Walls)
Plug in the LED Wall to mains. The amount and type of plugs depends on the
LED Wall setup and your region.
Ensure the video controller and the control PC is turned on.
Start the video input on the PC with the video material.
Result: The LED Wall displays the video material.
3) Setup with SX ON/OFF Switch
The LED Wall and video controller are connected to a SX ON/OFF
Switch, which turns the LED Wall and the video controller on and off.
Press the SX ON/OFF Switch on the system control rack.
Ensure the control PC is turned on.
Start the video input on the PC with the video material.
Result: The LED Wall displays the video material.